Pheronym’s nematode pheromone focused solution again proven effective

Pheronym’s Fifth Peer Reviewed Study Shows Nemastim™ Significantly Improves Nematode Efficacy Against Pecan Weevils, Even in Colder Weather 

WOODLAND, CA, UNITED STATES, February 29, 2024– Pheronym®, an ag-biotech pest management company, announced today the results of their fifth peer-reviewed study, this one focused on the efficacy of the company’s Nemastim™ on improving beneficial nematodes’ ability to control pecan weevils.  Featured in the Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, the study entitled, “Enhancing Entomopathogenic Nematode Efficacy with Pheromones: A Field Study Targeting the Pecan Weevil” describes the increased efficacy in insect control, even when temperatures dipped unexpectedly below 10 degrees centigrade, levels that reduce the effectiveness of beneficial nematodes.  Successful biocontrol practices are a key strategy in reducing chemical pesticide use and promoting climate-resilient and regenerative agriculture.   Keep Reading.

Metrics for evaluating climate-smart technologies in agriculture are broken

Pesticides’ carbon footprint is massively underestimated. We need better metrics for innovative technologies.

Crop protection does not have one big bad wolf pesticide like fertilizers’ nitrogen. According to (12) “Manure and synthetic fertilizers emit the equivalent of 2.6 gigatons of carbon per year -more than global aviation and shipping combined.” For impact and climate investors going after one big problem with a significant impact is a no brainer. Calculating reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in terms of gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is easy because there are many publications and market reports available for climate and impact investors (3). Nitrogen alone cannot solve agriculture’s carbon emission problem because the bigger problem, crop protection, is overlooked and underestimated.

Crop protection has many medium size wolves which collectively create more CO2e emissions than nitrogen. Furthermore, GHG emissions produced by pesticides are massively underreported for the following reasons (4). Keep reading